
Pride, Harpo:38, 6006 YD

“Po” was coined by psychologist Edward De Bono as a means of helping Lateral Thinking, which is what some people describe as ‘thinking outside the box’ but could be more accurately described as thinking beyond the normal Aristotelian Laws Of Thought. It is used as a method of changing perspectives and roads of thought.

Whereas a normal question such as “2 men dig a hole 5 feet deep in 3 hours, but how deep would it be if 23 men dug for 5 hours?” would be answered by simple mathematics De Bono’s “Po” would help jumpstart the thinking beyond the usual walls of imagination. For instance if you put the “hole” sandwiched with a ‘po’ and, say,”forest” like so:

hole po forest

. . . you might decide that 23 men digging a hole in a forest would be an unnecessarily complicated affair, and think about digging the hole elsewhere.

While Po might not be overly helpful in a standard math problem it would be extremely helpful in most arts, and in several other areas of life today.

Take some time to consider the following:

-flowers po murder

-children po UFOs

-rabbits po volcanoes

-war po homecooking

-death po comedy

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